Planning & Zoning

The Department of Planning & Development has the responsibility for preparing and updating the City’s Comprehensive Plan, a policy guide for both public and private investment in the future as well as land use decisions. The Department also administers the Zoning Ordinance by processing requests for the rezoning of property, special uses and for variances from the regulations. Requests for annexation of land to be brought into the City are handled by the Department. The application deadline for all matters going through the public hearing process is the first Friday of each month at 12:00 noon.

4303 Lawrenceville Road | P.O. Box 39 | Loganville, GA 3005

Loganville Planning Commission

The Department supports the City’s Planning Commission, an appointed body that makes recommendations to the City Council concerning planning matters, including rezoning, variance, and special use requests. Planning Commissioners must be a resident of the City and are appointed to four-year, staggered terms.

The Planning Commission holds its meeting on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. except November and December when it is rescheduled due to end of year holidays. Public hearings to receive comments from the community regarding applications are held on each case followed by a vote on a recommendation. The matters are then forwarded to the City Council for a final decision. The City Council action takes place the following month on the second Thursday with a work session/public hearing on the preceding Monday. All Planning Commission and the City Council meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in City Hall located at 4303 Lawrenceville Road.

2025 Planning Commission Meeting Schedule

Current members of the Planning Commission are:

 – Keith Colquitt
Vice Chairperson – Tiffany Ellis

Linda Dodd
Joshua Wauters
Toyin Olaoluwa
Michael Joyner
Cathy Swanson



Burn Permit Information

You can now complete the following permit processes online:

  • Commercial Electrical
  • Commercial Mechanical
  • Commercial Plumbing
  • Commercial Roof
  • Commercial Fence
  • Residential Electrical
  • Residential Mechanical
  • Residential Plumbing
  • Residential Roof
  • Residential Fence

Forms and Documents

For information on the permitting process contact

Loganville Planning and Development


Loganville Fire Marshals Office

4303 Lawrenceville Road
P.O. Box 39
Loganville, GA 30052


Loganville Planning and Development
Fax: 770.554.5556

Loganville Fire Marshals Office

4303 Lawrenceville Road
P.O. Box 39
Loganville, GA 30052